Online Application Form Name(required) Email(required) Address(required) Mobile(required) Skype Name Faith Tradition Date of Birth(required) Referee 1 (Include Name, Title, community organisation and/or faith community & Contact Details). Please note Referee 1 must complete ‘Online Referee Form’ (required) Referee 2 (Include Name, Title, Community Organisation and/or Faith Community & Contact Details)(required) Referee Form Downloaded and Sent to Referee 1 Please Select Yes Not Yet Curriculum Vitae Sent Please Select Yes Not Yet Name of Application Partner (We highly recommend that applicants apply in pairs from faith communities and organisations) 1. Demonstrated connection to your community organisation and/or faith community (200 word max) 2. Demonstrated experience and/or willingness to participate in multifaith dialogue/ interactions (200 word max) 3. Demonstrated experience and/or willingness to engage in leadership role within your community organisation and/or faith community (200 word max) 4. Motivation to take back to your own faith community, practical applications of your learning through planning and implementing projects (200 word max) Submit DON’T FORGET TO… Forward us a copy of your resume (email : Ask one of your Referees to complete the online referee form (or click here for word version)