The Content

Course content will be shaped around a unique and integrated combination of both ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ topics including nonviolent leadership; spiritual formation; interfaith dialogue; identity, culture and belonging; self care and participation in society.  The program will provide skills for putting into practice the insights of living nonviolently.

Unit 1:  Gathering and Grounding in a Culture of Co-Learning – Sharing Stories

Participants will be given the opportunity to:

  • Share personal stories – What brings you to this place?
  • Share stories of connection within faith traditions – What sustains you in your faith?
  • Reflect on the experience of community
  • Begin to engage the experience of the community within

Unit 2:  Dominant Culture: Social and Personal Impacts

Participants will interactively explore:

  • The formation and maintenance of groups and subcultures within societyP1010817
  • How the cycles of violence are legitimised, validated and perpetuated
  • The pervasive nature of dominant culture for the individual
  • Characteristics of spiritualties that perpetuate violence
  • Key characteristics of nonviolent spiritualties

Unit 3:  Nonviolence in my Faith Tradition

Participants will be encouraged to:

  • Explore the connection between culture and faith
  • Engage in critical self-reflection on the interface of culture and faith
  • Think about strategic nonviolent alternatives for livingwith Sherene
  • Reflect on their faith traditions and
    • Self-understanding
    • An understanding of Others as neighbours
    • Experiences of Transformation
    • Consider project development:  How will I address extreme ideologies of violence?

Unit 4:  Practical Skills for Nonviolent Living

Participants will learn about and explore:

  • 5 skill sets for personal, interpersonal and social engagemP1010979ent in nonviolent communication
  • Individual principles which support nonviolent living and communication
  • Spiritual practices to sustain nonviolent living and communication

Unit 5:  Next steps for Personal and Project Development

Participants will be invited to:

  • Engage with a nonviolent self-organising process (Open Space Technology)
  • Begin to create projects designed to increase the capacity of their local communities to provide alternatives to violence
  • Begin to organise networks of support and ongoing learning with each other in preparation for the design of Module 2